Heaven's Business

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A long time ago, before the time of Christ there was an Emperor. This Emperor was not much older than a lad. His name was Alexander. Since childhood, Alexander had grown in confidence. He believed that as royalty he could dare to dream big dreams. One day, Alexander decided to make his dream come true- to be Emperor over the whole known world. This quest brought him and his army across the sea to the distant land of Persia.

As his fleet of ships hit the beach, Alexander quickly realized that his forces were greatly outnumbered by the Persian Empire. The men in his army began to grumble and talk of mutiny. They wanted to retreating back home where it was safe and peaceful. Alexander stood on the beach with his dream ahead and home behind. “What should I do?” he wondered. For a moment it seemed to Alexander that he would have to give up his dream and settle for a much smaller empire. But at the thought of defeat, Alexander decided to do something crazy. He looked danger in the face and choose to do the impossible. Alexander turned with determination and looked at his fleet of ships. With a shout he ordered his men, “burn the ships!” Alexander and his army watched as their only means of retreat went up in flames. Legend says that Alexander looked at his men and boldly said, “We go home in Persian ships and victory, or we die trying.” Alexander took away the option of giving up, and because of this his men were filled with boldness to fight the battle and win! This courage empowered Alexander to continue on to become the Emperor of the Ancient World. Even though Alexander was young, he had the heart of a lion! This dreamer is now known as “Alexander the Great.”

Maybe you like Alexander have sailed to the shores of your dreams, only to find out that the problems facing you are much bigger than you had anticipated. You chased after something wonderful and then realized that there are giants standing in your way telling you to go back. But all new levels have bigger challenges to face. You can be like Alexander and burn your ships! What do I mean when I say, “burn your ships?” I mean, say “no” to fear. Even though it is hard, it hurts, and it seems impossible, you are going forward.

Everyone has fear. But you don’t need to let fear have you! Disappointment, anger, failure, intimidation of other people, danger - these are all giants that stand on the shore of your dreams.  They laugh at you, telling you to go back. But you are not a quitter, you are a champion! It is never too late to look fear in the face and burn the ships. Choose to say “no” to the giants which try to steal your dreams, and say “yes” to the Big God who has given you those dreams. God wants you to dare to dream big!  

I want to tell you about another great man. But his life did not start off on a very good note. He was one of the most educated people in his circle, but he had a very hard heart. He was appointed by the Pharisees (a Jewish group during Jesus time) to bring justice to the people. The only problem is that he was fighting for the wrong side. This man’s name was Saul. Saul was a modern day terrorist. He was a man who thought he was fighting for God, when in reality he was bringing pain and even death to God’s people. Many of you know the story of how Jesus came to this terrorist and melted his heart that was harder than a stone. This amazing story can be read in Acts 9. Wrong was made right and Jesus made the once terrorist Saul into Paul the Apostle, which means, a promoter for Jesus. The man who once killed Christians became a Christian himself, and preached about Jesus! What an amazing story! Listen to what this man Paul wrote,

“Whatever it takes, I will be one who lives in the fresh newness of life of those who are alive from the dead. I don’t mean to say I am perfect. I haven’t learned all I should even yet, but I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and wants me to be. No, dear brothers, I am still not all I should be, but I am bringing all my energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God is calling us up to heaven because of what Christ Jesus did for us.” (Philippians 3:11-14 LT)

What was Paul saying? We need to put all our energy into one thing, forgetting the past and pressing on to the future.

Paul, the man who wrote 2/3 of the NT was once a terrorist. But he had to forget the pain he caused to the church and move on to the goal of being a child of God.  

We have to burn the ships to our past mistakes and failure, and press forward with hope that God who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it!

Are you facing a setback in your life? Are you experiencing fear about your career or studies? Do you feel like your big dreams look impossible, or are your important relationships colored with pain? Maybe you come from a broken home, maybe things don't come to you naturally, perhaps you are the one who is always left out in the group? It could be anything. I have good news for you. The whole world may be against you, but God is for you! Your Heavenly Father will always be there to let you sit on His lap and comfort you! Father God will always choose you and believe in you! Our Good Father will never give up on you. He wants your dreams to happen even more than you do. Climb up in His comforting arms and let Him fill your heart up with His love!

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