Heaven's Business

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In a recent study, several thousands of people were asked, "If you had the chance to ask God one question, what would it be?" The number one question asked more than 2 and 3 combined was, "God, what is my purpose in life?" Our friends are asking for their destiny and fate. You and I, as God's kids, can quiet this worldwide query with the Answer! When we "translate" God's words to people, they will wake up and live from a place of identity because they know they are welcomed and loved by God. This is why it is critical for us to learn the "language" of God! 

This is the fifth part in a series on learning to hear God's voice. If you missed the first steps then you can catch up here, "Dreams," "Impressions," "Visions," and "The Bible."  If you want a glimpse into my personal journey in hearing God, or if you have questions about whether God still speaks today then check this out, "I'm not crazy, I'm just hearing God. "

The Big "Why"

First, we have to know the heart of the One we are representing. If we do not know the Author how can we be the spokesmen? He always speaks to heal, bring love, or connection, never to condemn or distance Himself. In the book of Malachi God says He will send Elijah the prophet to restore the hearts of the fathers to children and the hearts of the children to their Father's. (Mal. 4:5-6) God's goal is relationship! He is a Good Dad and talks with us as one. The real purpose behind us hearing God's voice for another person is to help tie them to their eternal destiny with God. When we speak about a city, a person, or a culture, it is not to regurgitate what is obviously wrong, anyone can do that, the purpose is to reveal the unseen potential and God inspired plan beyond what is clearly seen. Imagine, when you hear a "God word" it helps you catch a glimpse of the you that is truly you. When God speaks, He breathes life into your identity in Jesus! Jesus treated people with a worthiness they did not deserve. So, when we speak to people, we must leave them with the flavor of Heaven's noble love pulsing through their being. 

Shawn Bolz wrote, "Revelation is given to us so we can carry a piece of God's heart from eternity into the world."

God uses "words of knowledge" to give us His thoughts about others.  

Words of Knowledge

Ok, you may be questioning, "Words of Knowledge!? I have not heard of this before! It sounds kind of weird and new age! What is a word of knowledge?" It may be new to you, but it is actually a very normal way of hearing God found in the Bible. A word of knowledge is simply information given by God, which we could not perceive on our own, with the purpose of bringing God's goodness into a person's life! We simply ask God to show us His thoughts about a person and then share what we get in faith. Sometimes it is correct, and sometimes we miss it, but we are practicing. Waiting for God to speak is actually easy because we are not the One doing the work, we are simply the boombox! Our job is to be a willing listener and mouthpiece, His job is to transform lives. God may give you a person's name, address, or knowledge about a specific pain in their body for you to pray for. God understands every person down to their DNA, and He often grabs a hold of their heart by letting them know He sees their inner person! When people hear an accurate word of knowledge, all atheism and paganism flees the room because they have a deep connection with their Creator, like a lost child finally embraced by their Dad! 

"I want you to know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You need to understand the truth about this. There are different kinds of gifts. But it is the same Holy Spirit Who gives them. The Holy Spirit works in each person in one way or another for the good of all. One person is given the gift of words of wisdom. Another person is given the gift of words of knowledge. These gifts are by the same Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:1;4;7-8)

So, how does this thing work? Well, you can start by asking God to show you His thoughts about the people around you! Here are a some examples of how you may "hear" Him answer. 

1. Feel It - For example, if someone has a hidden pain or sickness, you may actually feel the physical pain for a second in your own body. Or you may feel the emotions they are experiencing. 

2. See It - You may get an impression in your imagination of a person's life experience, a detail about the person, or an image of an object. Or a thought may "drop" into your mind which you could not know on your own about the person. I often get imprinted pictures in my imagination as I pray, and I find this is the most common way I hear from God. (More on Impressions

3. Read It - A common example of this is illustrated in an experience Kris Vallotton shared. A woman came up to the prayer team after church asking them to pray for her back because she was in severe pain. As they prayed, Kris saw a spear imposed over the natural scene and it said, "abandonment" along the side. He asked her if she was dealing with any abandonment and she shared that her husband left her recently. They began to break rejection off of her and she spoke forgiveness over the man who hurt her. As she was being inwardly healed, she realized all the physical pain in her back was gone.  

4. Say It - Do you remember talking with a friend or sibling and suddenly, out of your mouth comes some truth from God which did not develop in your mind? It just comes out, or overflows from the inside! Well, this could be the Holy Spirit ministering through you! 

6. Dream It - While sleeping, you may have a vivid dream in which you get a message for someone you know. For example, a man once dreamed he was to go to a certain place the next day to talk with a particular older gentleman about Jesus. When he arrived, he found the man, who was a priest in another religion, sitting on his motorbike. The priest shared that he had also had a dream of a man in white robes showing him this believer's face saying, "this man will tell you about Me!" The old man became a believer and now travels around his country sharing the gospel! God brought the one with the question and the one with the answer together through a dream! (More on Dreams

7. Experience It - Similar to dreaming it, you may have a vivid vision while awake. It may be so strong that you are actually a part of what is happening, not just an observer. Like a “3D Technicolor movie” it is something given by the Holy Spirit that is beyond a mental picture in intensity and vividness. (More on Visions

In John 4, Jesus knew that the woman he was talking with had been married five times and was living with another man because of a word of knowledge. He had accurate information about a private part of her life for the purpose of demonstrating His compassion and power.  

I live this out & you can too! 

Once, I was hanging out at the mall with my family. We bought a couple scarves from a young guy at a Kiosk. We were about to leave for home, but I felt deep down that I must ask the guy a question. So we walked back and found the guy now standing with a group of his coworkers. We awkwardly asked him if we could talk for a second, he agreed. I did not even know what I was supposed to say, but I opened my mouth, "Do you feel alone, abandoned, and that life weighs heavy on your shoulders?" He answered, "Yeah, my dad left my family long ago. Now I am the one taking care of my mom and siblings. How did you know I feel this way?" He began to soften as I continued sharing God's heart for him, "God is your Father. He never leaves you. He has a plan for your life and a good purpose for you being where you are right now! That heavy-weight, you can give it to Him and He will bring you to a place of peace! He's got this! And He's got you! You're not alone, He is with you and sees all that you are going through." Wow, that guy broke out in the biggest smile! He shook our hands and cried a bit. His friends listened with respect and asked us if we could "hear God for them too!" This was the first time I remember acting on a "download" and I was only 18 at the time. What I said may sound simple, but God's messages often are! People's lives are touched when God puts His finger on the tiny, personal details!  

Randy Clark shared, "What seems like a vague impression to you may be a shout to the other person!"

But some words of knowledge are very detailed. It could be the person's name, their bank account number, an experience they had in life, or about the hidden dreams in their heart! I have heard amazing stories from my close friends! One friend was estranged from their father for many years, but he felt like it was time to reconcile and forgive his dad. But he did not even have his number. He sat with his cell in hand and asked God to give him his dad's number. Dialing in he waited to see what would happen. His dad answered and they began the journey of healing their once broken relationship!

If we want to grow in hearing and giving words of knowledge then we need to be willing to take a risk. We will miss it sometimes, but if we clean up our mess, apologize, and keep learning then we will bless a lot of people! In the old covenant, the prophet was judged for giving a wrong word, under the new covenant the word is judged. (1 Cor 14:29)

Why not start now?

Just like learning any new thing, the more we practice the more fluent we will become. 

You and I have the chance to join something big! There is a rich revival stirring around the world. God is up to something good and He is using His kids to speak His love message in every language! Just check out what is happening in the Awaken Europe meetings, Christ for all Nations and Iris in Africa, or Azusa Now and The Call in the USA. This year is the 500th anniversary of the Protestant movement and the 100th year after the Azusa Street Revival shook America for God. But God is not done yet! He is still moving! Reformation is not dead. You and I are the revivalists who voice the noble love of God to our listening world! Now that we have the ability to "tune" into the right frequency, we can get the message of Jesus out to the listening world! People are hungry for their Savior, so let's get out there and shake this world right side up for Him! 

Do you have a story to tell of when God moved in your life? How does God speak to you? I would love to hear about your experiences in the comments below! 

Love, Laurel 

Books 'n Things

Keys to hearing God!

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