Heaven's Business

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In the aftermath of the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka (2019), I've been thinking about the power of love and forgiveness. 

When we experience deep evil, our immediate response is to make the people who hurt us suffer. We want to pour out pain just as they poured pain onto us. 

Retaliation is a toxic cycle

Why do we react with rage? Because when we are in pain, we feel powerless, voiceless, and out of control. And rage makes us feel powerful again. But, when we act out of anger we actually become enslaved by the very thing that we hate. Instead of us gaining our power back, hate now has power over us. When we respond with rage we are saying, “you have control over my actions.” And the cycle continues. When they hurt us we hurt them. This is why hatred will never win! 

We will never overcome evil with evil. Only good can do that! 

How God wins wars

Jesus showed us the way. When we wronged Him He sacrificed everything to get us back.

Our sin, mistakes, and evil pushed Jesus to an undeserved cross - but darkness could not keep Him there. 

Our sin put Him in the grave - but His love for us pulled Him out. 

He walked through the valley of the shadow of death - but His grace seized the keys to hell and the grave. 

Jesus did not try to save His own life, He gave it away! That looks like weakness to the world. In the battle against hate, it looks like a white flag of defeat. But love is not weak.

You see, love is never wasted. It takes courage to be kind and it takes honor to be merciful. The cross is the way God waged war! He went to war against our sin and the powers of darkness by "wasting" His life! God was dignified by going low and taking our blow. He won by surrendering Himself so we could live. God's cure for injustice was sacrifice and His battle plan was forgiveness. 

Love is the only thing powerful enough to rewrite death, cure pain, and take the power back.

What forgiveness is, and what it is not

Forgiveness and trust are two different things. Forgiveness is a free gift we give away. But trust is built over time! Even Jesus did not give everyone access to His heart.

Danny Silk wrote, “Boundaries keep the things you want in your life in, like love, joy, hope or peace. Boundaries will also keep out of your life what you do not want, like disrespect, fear, hopelessness or anxiety. Boundaries help protect your priorities. Boundaries communicate value.“ (Keep Your Love On)

When God asks you to forgive He is not asking you to allow people in your life who degrade or destroy you. When He asks you to forgive He is asking you to let go and move forward. God knows that offense is a bitter prison which shackles up the person harboring it. It is not your neighbor's job to guard you against an offense. It is your job. Being offended is costly and it bankrupts the person who owns it. Offense kept the religious people from entering the kingdom.

Forgiveness is not trust. Forgiveness is simply releasing someone from judgement.

God takes two people and He makes them one. But the enemy takes the one and divides them in two through resentment. Jesus taught us, “Forgive quickly, while you are still together! If you do not make peace, then you will be imprisoned by offense.” (Matthew 5:21-26) If we feed offense long enough it will create a smoldering garbage dump of fire in the very relationship that was once a garden of love.

Keep doing the hard thing

Hating is easy. Hate is a reaction. Loving takes courage. Love is a choice.

How does love win? Love wins because it goes against all logic. 

God showed us how it is done. In our brokenness, our injustice, and dirt, He looked at us and said, "Now there is someone who I can love!" He loves beyond reason! God filled our cracked heart with pure love and chased our demons out and filled us with His Spirit. He did this for us. We were not forsaken so how can we forsake our brothers and sisters who are in the same pit we were pulled out of? God does not only expect us to love when it is easy, He believes we will love even when it is hard. 

Love wins. Love always wins. We just need to love the people in front of us. That is all it takes to overcome evil and redeem the world.  If God wins wars through grace so will we. We will never regret loving the way Jesus loves.

If you are going through the fight of your life or experiencing deep pain, I want to encourage you to ask God, “Give me a radical experience with Your love! Make your Father heart real to me!“ And give Him space to show up! He will not disappoint you! Put your trust in this, “He will heal the wounds of every shattered heart.” (Psalm 147:3)

Keep being brave! Keep loving! Keep setting people free!

Love, Laurel

Your’re not forgotten. You’re loved!

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