Heaven's Business

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My heart breaks witnessing the murder of George Floyd! My heart breaks at the murder of Johnathan Price! My heart breaks for the injustice in America. My heart breaks because I see prejudice is not an issue isolated to the States... in fact, I've seen more racism (which is pride) after living abroad. My heart breaks hearing story upon story that begins and ends the same way. It's time to write a new story with a new ending. It's time to begin again.

Humanity has had race wars from the beginning of time. From the beginning we have been broken because of sin. There is this disgusting desire inside each human being called pride. And it can surface in many different ways. One of the most outwardly apparent & volatile is prejudice which means to esteem oneself more valuable or above another based on race, wealth, education, gender, religion, etc. In short, mankind loves to promote himself. Pride is the sin which opened the door to our fall from grace in the garden and severed our relationship with God! It's what got us into this whole mess in the first place! God say, “The Lord hates those who are proud. You can be sure He will punish them all.” (Proverbs 16:5)

Pride creates separation between God & people. That’s why Jesus had to humble Himself and take our punishment so we could be reunited as a family in Christ. God takes the sin of pride seriously because it damages the identity of other people as God's kids & it uproots the prideful out of the grace of God.

Jesus is the great equalizer

Jesus is the great equalizer! The moment anyone tried to position themselves above another, Jesus flipped the tables.

They asked, "Jesus, aren't the wealthy superior?" Jesus' answer, "look at this widow who gave her last two pennies. She is more generous than the tycoons who gave out of their wealth because she gave when she had nothing."

"Jesus, aren't Jews the superior race to Samaritans?" Jews & Samaritans violently hated one another at the time. Jesus' reply, "There was once a Jewish man traveling down the road. He was robbed and left for dead. His priest & neighbor walked past him. They felt sorry for him but not enough to do anything about it. Then, a Samaritan traveled by and upon seeing the Jew dying on the road, stopped his journey and picked him up and carried him to the hospital. He told the caregiver, 'do your best for him and I'll cover the cost.' Who was this man's true friend?"

Again the people of the day believed, "Jesus, are not men superior to women?" Women could not even give testimony in court. If a woman was wronged her male relatives would give her testimony on her behalf. This is how little the culture valued the voice of a woman. Jesus' reply was to entrust the message of His resurrection to 3 women! God values the voices of women so much that He made them the first ones in history to preach the gospel which is, "Jesus is alive!"

Wealth, race, gender, three main things humans use to divide Jesus flipped and used to unify! Jesus is the great equalizer. Jesus always knew how to combat racism, prejudice, and hate. He said, “the greatest among you will humble themselves like a child.” We are all made in the image of God. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Hating is easy. Hate is a reaction. Loving takes courage. Love is a choice. Hate cannot overcome evil, only good can do that.

Kingdom Justice

How do we create real healing? How do we create Kingdom justice & reconciliation?

On a personal level, there are so many ways you are called to create justice in your every day life! Justice is not some grand political scheme. Justice is a life lived righteously. That means YOU & I can live justly!

“The Lord has told you what goodness is. This is what He wants from you: Be fair to other people (do justice). Love kindness and loyalty, and humbly obey your God.” (Micah 6:8, ERV)

1. Champion others

Listen & HEAR each other. Acknowledge each other's journey, pain, and triumph.

I believe one of the most damaging things we can do to another human being is dismiss their pain. And the main reason we do that is not because we don't care, it is because we don’t understand it or do not share the same experiences. Do not disqualify a person's pain. Listen, be there for them, embrace them, and strengthen them. You may not relate to their stories but that does not mean you are excused from standing with them! You are designed & qualified to champion the people who God pulls into your orbit!

2. Love, even when it cost you

We must fight injustice and build a culture that honors the dignity of every human being! But rage is not the way. Love is the answer. Love is not weak, love is power!

When we experience deep evil, our immediate response is to make the people who hurt us suffer. We want to pour out pain just as they poured pain onto us. Retaliation is a toxic cycle Why do we react with rage? Because when we are in pain, we feel powerless, voiceless, and out of control. And rage makes us feel powerful again. But, when we act out of anger we actually become enslaved by the very thing that we hate. Instead of us gaining our power back, hate now has power over us. When we respond with rage we are saying, “you have control over my actions.” And the toxic cycle continues. When they hurt us we hurt them. This is why hatred will never win! We will never overcome evil with evil. Only good can do that!

Love is the only thing powerful enough to rewrite death & cure pain. Love is the only way to break the curse and rewrite the cycle of hate. Love is the only way we can take the power back!

3. Pray big, bold prayers

We must stand and demand, "Enough! This must change!" My heart believes that God has greater things for my Nation! America, seek God, turn from your wicked ways, and God will heal your land! He is waiting and ready!

I do believe we must fight against evil socially and politically. But I do not believe those are our greatest stage of influence. Our greatest place of influence is on our knees before the throne of Father God!

The devil would love us to be fixated and blinded on the physical right before our eyes and abandon our post in the spirit war so he can continue his agenda of destruction.

“Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.” (Ephesians 6:12‭-‬13,TPT)

Overcoming the devil is your destiny! We must wage war through worship, declaration, and prayer. This is how the healing will come.

4. Worship is warfare

Take heart, because transformation of souls has already begun. There is a movement, an awakening happening in the States right now. And it's powerful. Sean Feucht, his family, and team are traveling state to state leading an anthem cry, “Let Us Worship!”

You see, when the world is dark, the righteous say, let's go and invade the darkness. And that's exactly what Sean & believers across the states are doing. Thousands of locals - all skin colors, all backgrounds - unite together to intercede and dedicate their cities to God. Thousands have given their lives to Jesus. People are being physically healed! Countless broken people who have been filled with hate for other skin colors have been delivered of that demonic lie and accepted Christ. Believers are reclaiming the Nation of America for God. Declaring a move of Heaven - “As above so below! Let revival come! Let unity be our anthem! Let us come together, as one, under the One true God. Let us worship Him. Let us be changed and be a change!”

Worship is what will unite & heal all the children of God! God is NOT finished with America! God is not finished with me or with you! He always redeems because that's what He does. He always brings good because He is good! He always loves because He is love! And when we focus on Him our hearts will become like Him! Revival is the answer we are all looking for!

Listen to Sean Smith's story!

(His story begins at minute 55)

I have so much respect for this man, his voice, and his resolution to be a peace MAKER. Let me tell you, if anyone has a right to be bitter and full of hate, it is him. But God grabbed a hold of his life & radically healed him of his tragic past! Listen to his story of full redemption. Through his story, polarizing sides have been able to come together and reconcile. Once a Neo Nazi came up to his face and said, "I hate you because you're black." Sean said, "you don't hate me" and told him his story. The guy cried & gave his life to Jesus on the spot! Sean even officiated at his wedding! Only God can heal people this way!