Heaven's Business

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What does love without conditions look like?

We all believe in love. We believe in the warm feelings of intimacy. We want to be known fully and be accepted no matter what. We all dream of having someone who will always be there for us when we are in trouble. The one to embrace us even when the world is crashing down like broken glass. We all want a love like this that is consistent, reliable, honest, accepting, and unashamed. 

Being untouchable comes at a cost. Vulnerability is the road to experiencing lasting hope. It is a risk worth taking. 

Real affection does not fade. It does not fluctuate between rejection & acceptance. Real love is not manipulative, it is gracious. Love is not given in pieces, ready to withdraw when it feels threatened. Strong love is given without restraint or hesitation.  

So how does this love translate into everyday relationships?

I could write about my journey in unearthing love in my marriage. But this topic will wait for another day. 

I want to explore a chapter I have not opened yet. Motherhood. 


The annual Woman's March took place this past January 20, 2017. Here are my thoughts for the woman who walked in favor of abortion.

Abortion is illegal in India. The reason for this is because many people are prejudice against having a female child. The situation is so dire that if any doctor is found to have given an ultrasound and revealed the gender of the child, then they will be thrown in jail for life. If they reveal the gender of a child and then the child is found to be aborted then the doctor faces the death penalty. Revealing the gender of a child places female children in such a dangerous position that doctors are punishable for aiding in manslaughter. We all understand that it is wrong to terminate a life just because it is not the gender you wanted. But why does something so crystal clear become dimmed with our personal conditions? 


To those who support the "woman's right to choose" - are we not doing the same thing with a new name? A girl child is inconvenient in Indian culture, but so is an unplanned pregnancy in America. A female child places a huge financial disadvantage to the multitudes of families who illegally follow the dowry system. An unborn child with a disability is also a huge financial cost as well as an emotional investment for those in the west. The same root issues but in a different culture. Why is one sickening to our justice mentality and the other is cheered for? If selecting the sex of a child through illumination is appalling, why is the choice to terminate a life itself acceptable? If I follow the argument of the "my body my choice" then I am sad to say that this advocacy for "woman's rights" has the potential to violate a not yet born female's life here in India.

I understand that the women who are pro-abortion would be horrified at the thought of a female child being aborted simply for the reason of her gender. Standing up for women is what they are all about, right? But that exactly is my point. Our right to the personal choices in our lives should not dissolve another’s right to live.

These words are not to condemn anyone for their beliefs or actions. This is a healthy question designed to help us stop and think. It is easy to point out cruelty in a distant land. But I want us to look inside to be sure we are not doing the same injustice painted in a different color. Challenging questions are a good thing. Only when we place our beliefs in the furnace can we be sure it is pure truth. I desire to be a voice of reason in the face of an unreasonable belief system.

Your choice to extend love does not depend on the behavior of others. It is not forged by their health conditions, their appeal, or how they can benefit you. A strong woman loves strongly, even when it hurts. Giving up is easy, but loving for a lifetime takes courage. 

The truth is, a mother’s love was designed to be freely given without conditions. God loves women, and He loves the mother and child relationship! This bond is a mirror of how He loves us. Let us be a true reflection of His image.

Love you all! 


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