Heaven's Business

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I have traveled to a few corners of the globe, and I have noticed a pattern in people, we all are consumed by the search for significance.

The questions etched in every heart are:

What is my purpose? And what is the meaning of my life?

We often struggle to find our place of significance. The truth is that your purpose is handcrafted and given to you by God. Only you can walk that road. The fact that you are alive right now is proof that God put something in you that this generation needs. It’s time for you to step out of the dark and unearth your destiny in God.

Finding your path

I am intrigued by this verse on how God guides us to our purpose, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)

Notice that the direction you are going & the position you are in are not the primary detail. The point is that God's voice will guide you. It is your ability to hear His voice that matters! The route is not necessarily the main issue because the bedrock of your journey is grounded in your connection with God. We don't have to worry about whether to go right or left because God has already been there. If you go left He is there. If you turn right He is beside you. He is protecting you from the front and shielding you from behind. There is no weak side to your road with God. God will never abandon you to make your life choices on your own. He is present every step of the way.

The first step…

“Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.  This testimony of faith is what previous generations were commended for.  Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.” Hebrews 11:1-3 (TPT)

When God spoke, His words became worlds. God imagined and He created. The invisible became tangible through action. If we lack motivation it reveals we lack vision. Action always follows in the footsteps of imagination. Progressive movement always requires taking a risk. God never called us to be comfortable, He called us to a life of faith. Faith is uncomfortable. Faith is the choice to believe for the unseen and unreasonable. Scripture teaches us that the opposite of faith is not doubt - it is sight! Faith is about believing the promise over what you see with your natural eyes. God will never give you a dream you can accomplish on your own. If you have everything figured out and lined up then there is no need for God. He adds His strength to those who believe for the unseen. Comfort is a plateau God will never add His wonder working power to. God laughs at fear, God laughs at passivity, and He dreams of the impossible. He loves to do the unimaginable and He wants to teach us to do the same. To walk in our destiny, we must envision God sized dreams and speak God sized declarations of faith. 


I declare, your destiny doors are open!

Heaven has designated you for significance. Good things are attracted to the mark God has imprinted upon your life. You were not created for mediocrity - you were hand crafted by the God of the universe to live in such a way that leaves people in awe of your Heavenly Father. With a Father that good, even the simplest of things become beautiful!

So get ready to live a brilliant life, because God did not create you for anything less!  

“See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it." Revelation 3:8

May the Lord open doors of destiny for you, may you experience the deeper things of the Kingdom of Heaven, may you and your family grow in favor with God the Father, and may the Holy Spirit direct your steps!

This journal contains quotes to help you embrace your purpose.