Heaven's Business

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Beautiful faces. Terrible hunger.

Beautiful faces. Terrible hunger.

Today. I cried so hard. My heart can't even form words. My prayers are just tears lately.

Many tribal people have left their villages & entered the city because they have no money for food. They have to resort to begging for food in the city. The people clung to our vehicle desperate for food. Once they recieved the food packet they did not even wait, they just sat right on the road and ate the pulao & potato with the cars passing by.

My heart aches. But I believe God positioned us in India strategically to help all of these precious people!

And people like you are helping us provide for them! The need is HUGE! But we serve a God of Miracles!

We are asking people to commit to giving for the next 5 months to support feeding the impoverished people here. Our work is normally totally supported by locals. But since the lockdown that has come to a complete stand still. We need your help!

If you feel overwhelmed, we have a great idea! If you sacrifice 3 cups of coffee (about $10) a week, and donate a month's sacrifice of coffee cash, in one month you can save up to feed about 40 people!

One small act of generosity goes a long way!

Let's love on the people of India.

Send me a private message to help out!