
Merry Christmas!

Let me paint a picture.

The world used to have prophets who heard God’s voice. But Israel left God and their last prophet who heard God’s voice was Malachi. For 500 years the world lived cut off from the voice of God. Absolute silence and separation. The world was dark, far from their Father, every heart was broken, an orphan without a home. There was no hope. There was no connection to God. And then, suddenly, God broke through. He spoke. What is the first thing that God announced to humanity after 500 years of silence?

"Glory to God in the highest realms of heaven. For there is Peace and good hope given to the sons of man." Luke 2 :14

God was silent for half a century, and then He interrupted that silence with a message of peace. The greatest shift in human history began with this message, "peace and goodwill to you from God in heaven." God has good intentions toward you, and they are to bring you peace! It brings God glory to shine peace and good things on you. God’s message is, “I’m here to redeem you. I’m here to calm you. My purpose for coming is so that you will have peace." And God is speaking the same message to us today. He never stopped. Peace is the presence of God with us! And that presence came and made a home in you. So peace lives on the inside. Peace is in this room because God’s presence is here and He has never left us since that day in Bethlehem.

It’s in the Christmas story where God first reveals this part of His plan saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!” (Luke 2:14). God has good intentions for this world. He did not come to condemn the world but to save it. God’s will for the world is for heaven to invade the dark places, to touch and heal the sick, to revive the lost and bring them into the family of God, to restore what is broken. God’s goal for salvation is not simply to get you to heaven, it is to get heaven into you. This is the whole purpose for Him coming down - heaven came and touched earth so that Heaven could build a kingdom, a home in us. Heaven gave it’s best for us so that the Holy Spirit could create God’s kingdom here and now in you! Now, you are a home, a resting place for the presence of God. That means His peace & joy are always available to you! This is the best news! This changes everything! We no longer live seperated from God’s presence, deaf to His voice, far from His plans. His presence is in you, you hear His voice, and you are right in the middle of God’s masterplan. You are not alone and undefended - you are equipped and trained by the very God who created you!

Christianity is the only religion where God first seeks man and does not depend on man first seeking God! Already in Genesis the Lord called: “Adam, where are you?” (Gen 3:9) Jesus said that He had “come to seek and save the lost.” The unbelievers spread a table for their gods, but the Christian God “prepares a table for His children.” In every human religion, it is about what we can do for God. The beauty of the Christian faith is that God came to us. Peace came down that Christmas Eve! Joy came and made a home in you. And heaven pursues you!

“I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard! And it is for everyone everywhere! For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you. He is the Lord Yahweh, the Messiah.” Luke 2:10‭-‬11

God is among us, and He is not here to judge or punish, He is here to build His kingdom within us and give us peace. So what is peace?

Peace is the presence of God with us!

May you feel the presence of God & may the joy of Christ become real to you today!

Love, John & Laurel Moses

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