We found this gem today. We turned onto a road we never drive down and found her walking alone. We stopped her and asked if she needed anything. She said she was starving and told us how she had been walking throughout the city looking for someone to help her. She had been to the food distribution center in the city and they had run out for the day. We handed her six food parcels. She cried from happiness and spoke a blessing over our whole team. We know it was no accident that we turned down that road. MANY were fed today but our Father always finds the ONE!

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John MosesComment
Beautiful faces. Terrible hunger.

Many tribal people have left their villages & entered the city because they have no money for food. They have to resort to begging for food in the city. The people clung to our vehicle desperate for food. Once they recieved the food packet they did not even wait, they just sat right on the road and ate the pulao & potato with the cars passing by.

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John MosesComment

Our work continues as we feed the hungry in our city. God has strategically positioned Jesus Comes Ministry for such a time as this. And we have been empowered by friends to reach the most destitute. The need is great but we are ready!

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John MosesComment

Jesus Comes has been feeding the hungry continually through the lockdown in India. Our mission has always been to fill the hungry with good things and teach the lost the ways of God. We have seen beauty come from pain and that is a true miracle from Heaven.

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John MosesComment

We have the amazing opportunity to drive 10 hours to visit this church once every month! We have seen amazing fruit in the lives of the youth especially.

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Laurel MosesComment
See what God can do through you!

John and I had a blast visiting with this family! God is real and He makes a real impact in real people's lives! So today ask, "God what do you want to say to the people around me?" And go for it! You may be surprised by how much fun you can have with God! 

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Laurel MosesComment
Traveling out of state!

Please agree with us for God to show Himself strong as we share the good news. Pray for our protection. But most importantly, pray that God will awaken revival everywhere we go. There is no better place to be than right at the center of God's action! 

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Laurel MosesComment