Mighty Warriors Youth Camp Report

We had the opportunity to equip the youth from Grace Reformed Church, Bangalore. They had arranged the camp at YMCA, Yelagiri. 


It was a beautiful time of praise and worship followed by teaching the youth how to hear the voice of God and what it means to be living a life of faith.

Dream team


Ebenezer Moses (pictured, left) led the youth in worship and taught them about what it means to be a mighty warrior for God. A lot of them had amazing encounters from God. They had visions. Many received the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Laurel taught the group about how to hear the voice of God. The young people were touched as many heard the voice of God for the first time in their lives and they committed to follow Jesus. Laurel was able to counsel some girls and was able to help them take right decisions in their lives.

John Rabindranath Moses taught the youth about faith and what it means to live a life of expectancy. Many felt like the word was given by God just for them. He counselled some young men and helped them be free from addictions, demonic attacks, and led them into inner healing and deliverances.


Rev. Suresh and Preethi (center) worked really hard to arrange this camp for these beautiful children of God. They said that they have seen a big transformation in the lives of the youth after the camp. Please continue to pray for them and their church. 


  1. One of the girls was set free from demonic attacks and she fell down and had a vision during worship and saw Jesus for the first time.

  2. A girl heard the voice of God regarding an important decision that she had to make in her life.

  3. One girl was set free from night terrors after counselling and prayer. The next day, she came back and said that she slept peacefully for the first time in six months.

  4. A young guy had a vision from God regarding how his life would be like. He was always confused about his life but then he got clarity.

  5. A young man had a vision from God for the first time in his life. His own family stole all inheritances from him but God comforted the pain he experienced from that.

  6. A young man was set free from addictions and demonic attacks. He cannot pray more than five minutes. He would get a lot of fear and he would hide himself under a blanket. God set him free from fear and during counselling, he was taught how to overcome the devil. The next day, he shared about how he was able to overcome the enemy and fear.

  7. A young man had demonic attacks since he was a young kid. The demon would come and talk with him just like a person. His own dad who is an alcoholic tried to kill him twice. God helped him forgive his dad and he was set free from the demonic attacks.

  8. A young guy was struggling from addictions and God helped him overcome it after receiving counselling and prayer.

  9. One of the ladies had lost all hope in her life. But God spoke to her and gave back hope to her. She was blessed by the peace of God.

  10. One of the guys heard the voice of God for the first time in his life.

  11. A couple got married four days before the youth camp. They still showed up and wanted to get closer with God. They received marriage counselling from John & Laurel. The husband was able to make some important decisions about his life. He had been struggling to decide for over eight months and God brought clarity in his life. The wife had fear about their future and she got peace.

  12. A girl received the anointing of God and spoke in tongues. She got healed from some emotional trauma and she was able to grow in her identity with God.  She got a job as an air hostess after receiving prayers. They chose only 24 people out of over 250 people who attended and she was one of them.

  13. A younge man had an encounter with God. He heard His voice for the first time in His life.

  14. A young man came with a lot of expectation. He was not able to read the Bible as he always thought that he knew everything. God helped him overcome that and gave him peace about his future. He got closer with God and heard Him speak to him for the first time.

  15. A girl did not know about her identity, confidence and self-worth. God revealed it to her and now she walks in her identity. She and her husband had issues in their jobs and it was resolved after receiving prayers.

  16. A girl was not able to pray at all. After being counselled and prayed for, she has gotten the passion to spend time with God. Now she wakes up even in the middle of the night to pray.

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