Pastor Samuel with his wife, two children, and extended family. 

Pastor Samuel with his wife, two children, and extended family. 

In mid-October we were key speakers at a three day conference in the state of Narsipatnam. At the closing of the conference the pastor, Samuel, and his beautiful family invited us for a meal at their home. We enjoyed their fabulous food and warm hospitality as they made us feel like family! As we were about to leave for the hotel, we all prayed together.

Earlier that morning, John asked God for two things. First, that God would give him a word of encouragement for the Pastor, and second, that God would give him the purpose of our visit to this place. This is what he heard,


“God brought us to this place for the Pastor as an answer to his prayers. The Pastor was crying and asking God, ‘What am I doing wrong? Even though I try my best I don’t see any fruit!” And God said, “Tell him he is doing everything well. He is in the process of rising to a higher place. The church is breaking because of disunity, and he cries because this breaks his heart. I will bring unity back to the church, and people who were against the church will come back. Many new people will come, and ask for prayer, and join the community. And his biggest dreams of supporting many people will come true!”


Pastor Samuel was weeping puddles of tears as he heard these words which he exclaimed were a direct answer to his prayers.

God broke into his situation that night and flooded him with hope! He looked like a new man with light shining in his eyes after receiving this encouragement! God always brings life!


November 8th, John received a text message, “Last Sunday, miraculously the people who were causing strife in the church came forward one after the other and apologized. The leaders and congregation accepted each other. Now we have great unity with joy. Praise God for this miracle and thank you too!”

God is faithful to restore family to each other and to bring unity to His children! Amen! We are so happy! 

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