Heaven's Business

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This is a story about family finding each other...

You all know the man on the left, that is my husband Raj. But let me introduce you to someone new. The man on the right is named Timothy. He is our brother! But we had never met him before March 13. Don't stop reading yet, I have even more astonishing news for you. Timothy is your brother too! You see, we are all a part of Jesus' family.

Timothy is our unexpected - but deeply loved family. 

Timothy heard of our ministry through Facebook and came to visit us last week. Raj was able to speak life giving words to him and encourage him. 

Even though Timothy is your brother he is from a place you have never heard of, Odisha state. He is the overseer of 49 churches and still planting more! Timothy travels to the the most remote tribal villages where no one has ever preached the Gospel before. He is the first to bring these people the news of Jesus. You have a voyager as family! 

Timothy supports the 49 Pastors over these village churches. He sold his house and distributed the money to help their families survive. He gives them what he can which is roughly $46 a month. These men live with constant death threats and their churches are under pressure to close down.

Timothy showed us the scares on his hands and legs from being beaten because of his faith. Five Pastors from this state have paid the ultimate price and were mutilated for preaching the gospel. There is no justice from the law for Christians. These men are brave and they do not give up on Jesus! 

Timothy has a wife and three children. He told us, "I am not afraid to die. But if I do, I want my family to be taken care of." He asked us to look out for his children and wife if anything ever happened to him. 

I am writing this not to scare you, but to help you understand just how real the danger is for our precious family in Odisha. We must back them up by praying for their protection. 

What I admire about these families is that they are so love struck with Jesus that not even death can snuff out their passion. They are head over heels in love. 

Let's pray for our family to be kept safe! I believe in the power of your words! 

How You Can Help 

Let's build a wall through prayer for our family! When you build a wall, you stack the stones one by one. Each of your voices joined together will help cover these Pastors and their families! 

Our Dream 

We are holding a Leadership Conference in May. It is our dream to sponsor these Pastors to come and be rejuvenated and recharged. Please pray for the funds to bring them. The travel and food cost to bring one Pastor is $35. 

Let us know you are adding your stone to the wall of prayers by commenting below, "Praying!" 

We are really encouraged that all of you are standing with us in this race. 

We love you!

Laurel & Raj 

See this gallery in the original post