
Seasons prove God's loyal promises.

Have you ever noticed that when God gives you a promise He often brings you to a time of waiting? Leaving you wondering, "Uhm, You just planted a great expectation in me, but now I'm surrounded by a life that contradicts what You just told me!?"

Well, noble dreamer, you're experiencing something called winter. God may have given you a promise, but every promise goes through a process of growth. The promise remains the same but it looks different through every season. It begins in the wintertime as a small seed with a hard outer shell. You cannot imagine how it will one day become a majestic tree. In the springtime, you bury it deep in the ground. It takes a lot of faith to release what you stored up in the winter months. But suddenly, you realize that it was not buried to die it was buried to grow. In the summer you have to toil, weed, and water that tiny little sapling. You begin to see some reward for all your efforts. In a sudden change of course autumn sweeps in and you must trim back all the new growth in anticipation for the heavy frost of winter where it will be hidden for yet another season. But year after year, season after season, through your faithful efforts you will one day step back and wonder at the mighty oak tree you nurtured. What started as a small, unimpressive, stubborn shell, has become something with that started as a promise from heaven!

Nature acquaints us with the principle of God’s promises. Some seasons are about waiting. Some seasons are about digging deep. Some seasons are about shooting high. Some seasons are about enjoying the harvest. The promise looks different in every season. But you must remember, your Father is loyal to complete the work He began in you!

Look at David. He was anointed to be king as a young boy. But instead of leaping to the palace, he was led to the barren wilderness to take care of his father's sheep. It was there he learned to be brave and defeat the lion and the bear. Then in his teens, he entered the palace, not as the king, which was his calling, but as a servant. He served with a pure heart, never promoting himself because he trusted that the God who anointed him would be faithful to the promise. It seemed his entry to the palace was a set-up for success, but it turned into a life-threatening situation for David. He had to escape and walk away from his place of destiny. He spent his 20s wandering the wilderness as a refugee fleeing a jealous king. His family betrayed him, his king betrayed him, even his men whom he trained and equipped to be warriors also betrayed him. He was isolated in a dry, empty place. In that desert season, David practiced the ultimate act of sonship and "strengthened himself in the Lord." (1 Sam 30:6) David's life often appeared to contradict the promise of God. But David never doubted God's loyalty to the word He had spoken to him as a young boy. David received a promise as a boy and did not see it come to fruition until he was 30 years old when God positioned him as king of Israel. But through all those years the promise of God was loyal to him because David cultivated a friendship with God. He built a friendship with the Promise Giver! Promises do not grow to fruition overnight. They must be planted, nurtured, watered, and guarded. David understood that even miracles can take a little time. Be patient, because God's promises are loyal!

Be faithful in the little things

Waiting. Winter. Wasteland. Empty places. Don’t dismiss your barren seasons because they will grow into beautiful places in God’s hands. The Mastermind behind seasons knew the importance of prolonged waiting as a canvas to create expectancy in His children.

My husband & I have been waiting for a long time for God to transition us into our next chapter. And the anxiety is real. But we are exchanging it for peace. Because we know the God of seasons has got our back!

“The one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life. So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:8-9 (MSG)

Do not give up just because your life looks ordinary. The seeds you are planting today will be the fruit you reap in the harvest time. You don't see the fruit yet, but that does not mean you never will. The nature of seasons is that they change. Not every season is a time for fruit-bearing. Some seasons are for dreaming, some seasons are for strategy, some seasons are for working without seeing any evidence. Every harvest is the fruition of a time spent dreaming, working, and investing before reaping the reward. Every season is valuable and necessary for healthy growth.

Treasure your winter season because it is a time to dream of what is to come. Don’t squander this “insignificant” chapter. The winter is all about growing faith! Arid deserts are about cultivating desire. Empty places are about being faithful where God has placed you. God’s promises are loyal from seed form of the mighty oak tree. God began a marvelous work in you and He is faithful to finish what He has started. Your harvest season will come if you do not give up.

God is loyal to perfect His purpose for your life!

“His destiny-plan for the earth stands sure. His forever-plan remains in place and will never fail.” Psalm 33:11 (TPT)

He is the God of your destiny. He will be faithful to complete His purpose in you! He does not start things and fail to finish. He always works everything out for good!

Child of God, can you see the promise in the empty field? Can you see the harvest in the seed? Can you see the abundance in mundane places? The Creative God empowered you with the ability to imagine with Him in the waiting. So dream God sized dreams. Treasure the winter seasons as critical strategy sessions with God. Not every season is about vibrant harvest and fruit. The winter is all about growing faith! Utilize this hidden season to strengthen yourself in the Lord. Believe. Daydream with God. Because He will do more for you than you could ever hope for or even imagine!

Dream God size dreams and you will live a God size life! Why put God in a box when He wants to liberate you from yours?!

"Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you." Ephesians 3:20 TPT

Journey forward, friend!

So, Winterland Wonderer, your season may appear empty, but it is NOT a waste. That's simply the way a waiting season is meant to be. The wilderness always looks empty, but in that empty place you will come face to face with the presence of God. Wilderness builds friendship with God. The God of seasons will be faithful to you.

As my wasteland chapter comes to a close, I find myself saying, "God, thank you! I'm so grateful for this journey because even though it was hard, even heartbreaking at times, but it was also filled with good!" That's the beauty of walking with God! He turns even the bitter into sweet, the winter into spring, the wasteland into an oasis. Walk with the Gardener and He will teach you how to grow a vibrant life!

Do you have a story to tell of how God’s promises pursued you through the wilderness? Share your story in the comments below! We would love to hear from you! I’m cheering you on, Laurel

Grow your heart!

About the author


Hi! I’m Laurel.

I’m an American girl living in India. Married to the love of my life, Raj. I’m fully expecting God to do wonders!

I’m cheering you upwards in your pursuit of the vibrant life God designed for you! You have a purpose, you have value, and you are made to bring heaven down to earth!