
I have traveled to a few corners of the globe, and I have noticed a pattern in people, we all are consumed by the search for significance. 

I am intrigued by this verse on how God guides us to our purpose, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)

Notice that the direction you are going & the position you are in are not the primary detail. The point is that God's voice will guide you. It is your ability to hear His voice that matters! The route is not necessarily the main issue because the bedrock of your journey is grounded in your connection with God. We don't have to worry about whether to go right or left because God has already been there. He is protecting you from the front and shielding you from behind. There is no weak side to your road with God. God will never abandon you to make your life choices on your own. He is present every step of the way. 

Here are three keys that will help you grow towards your purpose. 


Why doesn't God tell you every single detail of the next 5 years in advance? Because God builds purpose, not necessarily plans. In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, "I have a plan for you." Well, that word "plan" does not mean "outline" or "pre-mapped path", it literally means "purpose." God has a purpose. If you take a wrong turn, He can always recalculate your steps. God does not need plans because His purpose will never fail! Now, that's good news! God is not worried about the details of your life because He is the God of your destiny. We get so caught up in our plans so we live with a high risk mentality. But God is saying, "I have 1,001 ways to get you there! The direction you go is secondary. The position you have with Me is primary." Your life's ultimate purpose is to live in relationship with God. That is the greatest bucket-list goal we can have! 


God is building purpose in you. This means that the place you are in right now is building you toward something. God has positioned you for a reason.

David was destined to be king but he was placed in the backside of the desert to look after dumb sheep. Counting sheep seemed like a worthless job but it is where God put him. Often times, our unremarkable & uncomfortable placement are the thing that set us up for our purpose. Your placement has a purpose!

An Olympian does not win at the games, they win all those mornings that they woke up before the sun to train. A Gold medalist is not defined by one moment, but by all the small moments, the choices, and the hard things they did to get to that one moment. Victory is not earned at the peek, it is earned during the climb.

Are you frustrated because you know you are made for greater things but you are placed in a pointless situation? It is hard to stay brave when you have a call to lead nations but you are stuck taking care of sheep. But don't despise where God has placed you because God looks for you in the place of your responsibility. David did not miss his time of anointing because he was in his place taking care of sheep. Be faithful where you are right now, here in this moment. Do the mundane with integrity because it is preparing you for your purpose. Be faithful in your routine. 


Bill Johnson says, "If you don't live by the praise of men then you won't die by their criticism." This does not mean that we should not accept encouragement, we seriously need words of life! This just means that we cannot allow people to write our identity. We need to learn to get our significance from our place in God's love. It does not matter if people don't applaud you, don't understand you, or try to defame you because God already told you that He accepts you. God is the only one who is allowed to tell you who you are. 

When the prophet Samuel went to Jesse's house to anoint a king, Jesse paraded all of his sons in front of him. Everyone was there - except one - David. Many scholars believe David was an illegitimate son because he was tucked away and excluded from the family. You may be going through a time where you feel hidden. But you will never be overlooked by God if you stay in the place He assigned you. God is speaking to you, "You are not invisible! I see you! People disowned you, but I call you My son, My daughter. You don't have to promote yourself when I have promoted you. You don't have to chase after opportunity because I am making opportunity chase you. You are not lost because I know where I placed you!"


It is so much better to be known by God than to be known by man. If you are in a tough place, don't worry, He sees you! As you walk your path He will be the voice behind you saying, "Here, go this way." He has made a place for you, and that place is in His presence. When you pursue Him you will find that the bond you have with Him is your real purpose.

Do you have a story to tell of how God found you? How do you handle seasons of uncertainty? Have you ever felt hidden? How did you find purpose in that time? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! 

Love, Laurel 


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