
Never forsaken

It was just like any other December morning in Armenia. People shuffled to office in the cold. Shopkeepers routinely opened their doors. People huddled in street restaurants for hot food and coffee. And a father drove his son to school like he did every day.

Samuel left his little boy on the elementary school steps, “I love you. I’ll see you after school.” And then he left.

A couple of miles down the road, he watched as the road swayed from side to side and buildings broke apart. With the terror only a father’s heart can feel, Samuel turned his car around and precariously raced back to his son’s school. When he arrived at the location his fears became his reality. The building was completely flat.

Leaving the motor running, Samuel staggered to where his son’s classroom used to stand. He screamed his son’s name into the stones, “Armond! I’m here! I’m coming for you son!”

Samuel crawled across the rubble and began to dig. He frantically shouted to bystanders to join in. Instead of helping remove the rubble the people consoled him, “Sir, there is no use. No one could survive the building’s stones caving in on them. The children are gone.” A rescue worker warned him, “This building is not structurally sound. I cannot allow you or anyone else to risk their lives.” Samuel shouted, “If you’re not going to help me then get out of my way.” And he began to dig for 10 hours. 12 hours. 24 hours. His hands became bloodied and raw from the jagged stones.

The parents of the lost children brought flowers and pictures of their little ones and place them on the stones as a vigil. But Samuel worked through the night.

The onlookers realized that he was digging his grief away. They glanced at one another with tears and talked among themselves, “He won’t stop until he passes out.” “There is nothing we can do for him but to let him see this through.” “He will not be able to live with himself if he stops while he still has strength in his body.”

After 36 hours of removing stone after stone, Samuel lifted a beam and heard a noise! The rocks echoed *tap* *tap* *tap*

Samuel screamed, “I hear something! There is someone down there!”

Teams of people joined in clearing the rubble away. They unearthed a cavern which had engulfed 13 students and their teacher before the building collapsed. They were all alive!

Samuel locked eyes with his son! He reached down and pulled him up into a big embrace. The little boy cried, “Daddy, I told them not to worry! I told them we will all be saved because you always come for me!”

This true story is a powerful demonstration of how far a father will go for his child.

Dead man walking

We all want to be loved like that young boy. You and I are hungry for a father who will come for us. And the beautiful truth is that you do! Your Heavenly Father tore through a rock for you! Your Daddy moved heaven and earth to get to you!

In the city of Jerusalem, on Good Friday, Father God thought of you! He looked through generations and saw you on deaths row. He saw you in a dark cave. When it was time for you and me to pay, Jesus stepped up and said, “I’ll take my children’s place.” He saw the price tag and He said, “You are worth it!”

Jesus walked up to the cross to receive our death sentence. But He did not stay there!

Jesus went down into the dark grave meant for us. But he did not stay there!

Jesus was laid in the ancient tomb and a massive stone was placed guarding the entrance. A rock stood between you and God. And He rolled the stone for you! He rose and is alive!

No cross, no grave, no stone, not even death could separate our Father from His kids!


Have you ever reached a moment in your life when it seemed like you were looking death in the face? Have you ever stood so close to fear that you felt like you disappeared into it? Have you walked through the valley of deepest darkness?

A friend of God walked through something he called, “the valley of the shadow of death.” And He said, “Lord, even when Your path takes me through the valley…” But wait! I thought God said He would be with you! So, if God is with you then why are you being lead into a dark place? But that is the whole point! Even if I walk through the valley of death, “fear will never conquer me because You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of Your love takes away my fear.” (Psalm 23:4)

God’s faithfulness does not mean you will never travel through the valley with death surrounding you. God’s faithfulness means He will be with you in the middle of it and bring you all the way to the other side! The enemy expects you to be terrified in his death camp. But God leads you right down the main road with your head held up high! Why? To prove to you that His love really does silence all your fears! God takes the unexpected route! He is creative! If God always did what you expected, then He could never surprise you with anything greater.

You are not hopeless. There was never a moment you were forgotten by God. Even as you walk through the dark night, God is with you. Even if the flames surround you, threatening to devour your life, God is there with you in the middle of the heat. He is before and behind you! It’s true! God will rescue you!

You have been promised, “Even if your father and mother abandon you, the Lord will hold you close.“ (Psalm 27:10)

Heaven knows what pit you have fallen into, been pushed into, walked into, and even resolved yourself to. You may be in a dark place, but God is about to break through with His resilient light. The cross could not hold Him. The grave could not keep Him. Death did not defeat Him. And He is about to do something brilliant in you today! He is here to break away the stones you are under.

The stone could not stop Him!

Is your world crumbling? Are you in a desperate place? Have you forgotten who you are?

I have good news for you! The stone is rolled away. The grave is empty. Your days of living under the rock of fear are over! You are no longer a prisoner to toxic cycles. You may have dug your own grave, but Jesus went to the tomb so that you don’t have to be buried there! God won! There is a future hope for you!

There is no rock immense enough that God cannot roll away. There is no broken heart He cannot heal. There is no distance He will not run. He rescued you over 2,000 years ago. And He will do it again today! Your Heavenly Dad will be faithful to you! Believe it!

Do you have a story to tell of how God brought you up out of the grave? How has God rolled the stones away in your life? I would love to hear your story in the comments below!

Love, Laurel

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