My heart sometimes feels overwhelmed with the huge need I see surrounding me. How can I make a difference in such a vast sea? Then I remember that love looks like stopping for the one in front of you. 

Be bold! Your simple act of kindness to one person is valuable in the kingdom! 

Above you see the faces of some of the people we served. We made around 100 food packets and gave each person two.

We usually cook with basmati rice and meat (the highest quality ingredients). But this month we decided to cook them meals with less expensive rice so we can feed them more than one meal. So we cooked sambar rice which is kind of like a one pot meal. Often we have enough funds to cook for the homeless once or twice a month.

Change A City... 

 We want to be a living revival to the poor in our city.

So many of the homeless are mentally unstable. A lot of cases are an easy fix with a simple medical treatment. But their families for many reasons did not or could not bring them to a doctor. The common story is that they were purposefully placed on a train by their family with a one-way ticket in their hands. Unable to understand what is going on these people wind up abandoned to get off in an unknown city.

We want to be the answer to this problem.

Rehabilitation Home 

We believe that many of these people can be healed from their mental and emotional wounds through the practical love we show them. At this time we don't have all the staff or support to care for them full time. But we have dreams of a sustainable recovery home for them. They can receive medical treatment from local doctors. And those who are able to work will receive job training. To do this full time we would need a cook, a nurse to look out for their medical needs, and a house parent to stay with them at night. Pray with us. We have all the plans, but we need the financial support to make this dream a reality. 

Consider partnering with us to change lives. Jesus is worthy of it all. 

Love, Raj & Laurel 



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