Kids Prophetic Conference 

Kids are leaders in God's revival

This Sunday we hosted a conference for Angel TV on our campus. 

537 children ages 4 - teens encountered Jesus. 134 babies ages 3 & under felt the love of God. And their parents were encouraged in their faith as well. 

All together over 1,000 people were impacted this past weekend! WOW! It was so exciting for us to serve them & the Angel TV team! 

"Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children." Luke 18:16

The Angel TV team did an amazing job leading these children into the presence of God. There is no junior Holy Spirit - and these kids went deeper in their relationship with God. We heard amazing testimonies of Jesus touching these kids and giving them a call to follow Him. 

Above are the 500 plus kids praising, praying, and crying out for more of God's presence. It was touching to see the hunger and adoration they have for Jesus! Their passion is undiluted. These kids are going to change the world! 

They sat patiently for 5 hours in the unairconditioned auditorium. 

Above are the 134 babies crammed into our office with their parents. You can see some of them pictured here and there were even more behind the desk and on the steps. It was over 100 degrees that day and the only place we could put them that had airconditioning was our office.

Many of these babies had visions of Jesus! Those who could speak told their parents that they had encountered their Heavenly Father and that He spoke with them. They had visions, heard God's voice, and were touched by God's love. The parents also were touched by God! 

Above you see the older children kneeling before God, inviting Him to come close. I saw many children crying as they were being filled with God's Spirit. Other's were praying loudly. 

It was a beautiful and holy moment. 


After this prayer, around 50-70 kids got on stage to share the testimonies of what God did in them. 

Some prayed in tongues for the first time. Others said they fell asleep and saw a vision of Heaven's gates. A lot of kids had visions of heaven. Others saw the throne room of God come in front of them and they saw Angels surrounding Jesus. Many of the children had a vision of Jesus handing them a sword and teaching them to fight darkness. Some saw the devil but then Jesus handed them a sword and when they moved the weapon the devil faded away. Jesus taught these children how to fight in the spirit through prayer. Others felt an extreme heat or the feeling of an electric shock of God's Spirit going into them. 

One beautiful testimony which touched my heart was given by a little boy who had a vision. In the vision, he was standing in a field of flowers. The flowers were wilting and drying up. Jesus came to him and told him, "These are the kids who don't know Me yet. Pray for them to come to Me so they can live with Me forever."  

Another child said he did not believe that God could touch him. But as he thought this, he felt a hand on his shoulder. As he turned to see who was touching him there was no one there but he still felt someone touching his shoulder. He knew it was Jesus helping him to know that He hears him and cares for him. 

Each child who shared was simply so happy. They were filled with the fruit of Joy and Peace.

Their faces were shining because the love of God had become real to them!

Thank you to Angel TV and the team who came to bring revival to the children in Tirunelveli! Thank you Sundari, Jeya, Suganthi, Sharon, Princy, Daniel, Prem, Mohan, Raju, and the rest of the team! You are bringing strength to these little revivalist!

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